Dream to work somewhere like Seeds of Happiness

Dream to work somewhere like Seeds of Happiness

Dream to work somewhere like Seeds of Happiness

December 11, 2014

I have to wipe back the tears. What a lovely, lovely letter, but I am no ones hero. I appreciate the words, but they just don't fit. The heroes in my line of work are the women who are brutalized and beaten, but still find a way to go on with their lives. Can you imagine what a life that must be? To be constantly battered and bruised by someone that is supposed to love you? It's unimaginable.

Please tell all your employees "Thank You" for the kind words. It is really nice to hear. Many people who have never experienced domestic violence cannot understand why a woman would stay in a relationship like that. Do you know that a woman is 75% more likely to die LEAVING a relationship than if she stayed. Unfortunately, it happens more than people can imagine. One in four women experience DV at some time in their life. Domestic violence knows no economic boundaries. I have worked with the very poor and the very rich.

We spend so much time teaching our children to beware of strangers, not to do drugs or drink, not to text and drive, etc and all of those are important lessons, but do we ever think to teach our daughters to beware of the men they fall in love with? Most times we don't. We need to start making that a priority. We need to teach our boys it is never, ever cool to hit a girl. Please don't get me wrong, I have helped many, many men, but this is statistically a crime against females.

I certainly didn't mean to go into the preaching mode, but when I hear someone is the least bit sympathetic, well I just don't seem to have an off button. Education is the only answer to this horrible crime.

I know everyone that works for you have a wonderful sense of community and what a joy it must be to go to work everyday to make "smiles". After 16 years of working with victims of crime, it would be my dream to work somewhere like Seeds of Happiness just to see more smiles. Giving out your "seeds" definitely helps me get through.

Thank you all for what you do and for the beautiful letter. It is so appreciated.



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"I am a middle school teacher that keeps your smiles on hand… as I have students that I am struggling with mental health or had a tragedy in their life they are struggling with I give them a little "smile" for days they have trouble finding their own.... Thank you for such a valuable product that can be used in so many different means."

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SPARK ⭕ Seeds take away the loneliness and spread happiness Inbox

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"As a Police Chaplin I have found that being a law enforcement officer is a lonely job. For most of their shift they are in a car by themselves with a police radio as their only communication. 

With that said, I have begun giving out Seeds of Happiness to any and all law enforcement personnel I come across. Whether they are at a restaurant or sitting in their police car the smile on their face is priceless when I have a bag full of seeds and I’m able to show my appreciation to them as I let them pick out a color send of their choice. 

My words of encouragement and their appreciation for their “seed” is a blessing to them as well as me. Some have been so taken by the kindness shown to them that they ask for another seed for a spouse or friend, what a way to spread happiness. 

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