Keep that smile on her face - Seeds of Happiness

Keep that smile on her face

Keep that smile on her face

December 17, 2015

My smile story is about my sister in law Nicole.  She has been breast cancer free for 3 years, last year she received some devastating news that she now has bone cancer.  Bone cancer is one of the most painful is what she was told.  She is 38 years old and married.  She has been going through painful treatments 3-4 days a week.  She is a corporate lawyer and still works and travels more hours than anybody would be able to.  She is a very strong person but finally broke, I decided to send her a smile.  I sent it in a box with my mother in law when she went to visit her.  Nicole lives in Chicago and her family is in the Alton area.  My mother in law had no idea what was in the box, I got a FaceTime phone call when she was opening it.  It definitely brought a smile to her face and a few tears.  I was glad I got to see her reaction.  Nicole now carries the smile in her backpack, she is unable to carry anything else due to being on crutches and using a cane.  I wish I had her outlook on life.  She has been down lately due to a friend passing away of cancer, she feels her days are numbered.  But she takes her smile with her to every chemo appointment.  The last Dr’s appointment told her things were looking better and no signs of spreading.  Hopefully that smile with her to everything will still keep that smile on her face.


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SPARK ⭕ Student mental health is top of mind. Seeds can help!

July 26, 2024

"I am a middle school teacher that keeps your smiles on hand… as I have students that I am struggling with mental health or had a tragedy in their life they are struggling with I give them a little "smile" for days they have trouble finding their own.... Thank you for such a valuable product that can be used in so many different means."

Julie Anne

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SPARK ⭕ Seeds take away the loneliness and spread happiness Inbox

July 25, 2024

"As a Police Chaplin I have found that being a law enforcement officer is a lonely job. For most of their shift they are in a car by themselves with a police radio as their only communication. 

With that said, I have begun giving out Seeds of Happiness to any and all law enforcement personnel I come across. Whether they are at a restaurant or sitting in their police car the smile on their face is priceless when I have a bag full of seeds and I’m able to show my appreciation to them as I let them pick out a color send of their choice. 

My words of encouragement and their appreciation for their “seed” is a blessing to them as well as me. Some have been so taken by the kindness shown to them that they ask for another seed for a spouse or friend, what a way to spread happiness. 

So buy seeds of happiness, put them in a bag, carry them in your car and make someone’s day! Give a person a reason to smile today…. One seed at a time!!!"

- Roger

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SPARK ⭕ A surprise at a place setting lifts heavy hearts

July 24, 2024

"My 48 year old brother-in-law died very unexpectedly. He left behind 3 children ages 12-21. After his inurnment service we were all invited to my mom's for dinner. We walked into her house. The table was beautifully set with fine china and crystal. At each place setting was a "Seed of Happiness" it changed the whole trajectory of the remainder of the evening. They truly brought smiles to our heavy hearts. I decided right then and there, I needed to find out how to have these available for purchase in our church gift store."

- Michelle

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