October 10, 2020
Oh my goodness I owe you some STORIES.
Net net - I will just share TODAY. Which is not even a regular day in the life of my gratitude for your Seeds Of Happiness - but today was unprecedented. Which, I am guessing you know sounds insane, having had two parents in hospice care. What can matter more? Well - nothing - but still - your SOH - they are a BALM.
Here is my story - I’ll keep it as quick as I can.
I recently took advantage of your 25% (or 20% sale?) - don’t remember -just remember seeing it and jumping in on it. Not even for any particular reason - but having any - (hopefully MANY!) close - it helps. Me. But others, too.
Today was a WEIRD DAY. Our local drug store (Vienna Drug (aka Vienna Rexall) - not CVS, Walgreens, etc) - is a local shop. They had two crazy people present a fake prescription to their pharmacy desk. They are a family business. They knew it was fake - and called the (addict?) people out on it. Called the police. In any event - before the police arrived, 2 of the family Rexall workers were hurt - and only in their effort to delay the two crazy people while the store waited for the police.
Not my business at all - but still - they are our FAMILY pharmacy for 11 years . I KNOW these people - and they were protected their store AND our community from lunatics (were clearly high on something). I made up a mason jar and a note and gifted it to them. The woman is still nursing her shoulder - the older gentleman was there and still shocky - but so grateful for the share and the thought.
LATER today - we had an appointment with our security company - Vector. Not because we need security - but its a contract on our home - and it was apparently due for an upgrade - we are not that interesting, trust me.
That said, the gentleman arrived and was on time, called ahead - you name it. Late in the day. I offered him a water bottle/drink -and he looked stunned. I didn’t really understand his reaction (who doesn’t ask, “may I get you something to drink?”) - and he froze.
He was such a nice person. I am not sure how - I didn’t ask - but I think his day was horrific enough to just need to share? Not sure - I am an open book - but still - this was epic. He was super professional and very sweet. Turns out - he had a call in Gainesville, VA - and not to stereotype Gainesville, but the client (?) was racist. This poor, poor man. He has worked for Vector for 22 years (since he was 16!) and loves his job. But this climate - he was just sad.
I am fast to share when I think someone needs to breathe, a smile, a lift, a gift, a tangible prayer - but never have I met a soul who has had such a DAY.
I didn’t pry - but asked about his day - and then it all came out. I didn’t want to make him focus on ignorance and hate - and asked if he was perhaps married/had children etc…. Something light and fun. He told me about his wife. Their two kids. His parents (he has 2 mamas and 2 dads). He also has a sister who died last year from ovarian cancer at 35 - who left 5 children. I am sure you are nodding, understanding rightly where MY MIND was. It was with his sorrow, but even better, it was frankly calculating how many SOH I still have from my sale purchase - which frankly after today - I would have bankrupted myself and nearly did.
I didn’t go into TOTAL detail - but explained the story - you. My dad. My friend who gave me my first. How they are meant to be given in TWOs. One to keep for EVER and one to share - because the beauty and the real fun is in the GIVING. SO - I gave this stranger today in my kitchen, who was so sweet and humble 8 (him and his family x 2). 10 - his sisters children x 2. 8 - his two mothers and two fathers. So - yep - I shared 26 with a stranger I will never see again.
I am not looking for blessing or credit. I just want you to know that I do believe in my soul that my TWO (I have one from my friend (blue!) and one from my dad (blue, too!) are beyond ripples in a pond. I wish I were a brick and mortar non-profit. =). Alas, I am not - but I will ALWAYS gift these - as long as they are on the planet. Except my two blue ones. Those - I will break anyone’s arm if they try to take. One sits at my desk. The other in our bedroom.
Anyway - I know you receive so many stories - I hope this one makes it to your mind. I was overwhelmed with grief for both my small business friends - and then to no words when this gentleman who came here to help us had been abused for no reason other than the color of his skin. I think - I KNOW your SOH helped. He looked at me with a bit of wonder - and when I kept asking “how many in that family?” How many in yours? Times 2. And he was so sweet - he was being so serious and literally COUNTING the cards and seeds out - honest to the core - I told him I wasn’t worried - and to take what would make (for him) worth sharing. He just shook his head.
PS - the funniest part I learned later. His father is a barber of sorts and owns 20 locations in the MD, VA area. =). Called Salon Plaza. I am not aware of it - but if you get a request for these - or whatever? LOL - those would be me. ;). Probably not - but just wanted you to know your wish to change the world - or at the very least help some of it feel better? It is alive and well in my house.
I wish you Godspeed and wellness. And the happiness of holidays. We are eagerly awaiting Jonah (soph @ Purdue) and Noah (VT senior) return for the holidays. Jake is a hs senior applying to some crazy schools that likely WILL bankrupt us =). Jude is a hs freshman worth his weight in gold. We are actually HOPING (planning - its planned - but you know, with C-19 you can’t say “we are” with anything). SO - my point is we are going to Utah after Christmas. I am hoping to bring a bunch of my remaining seeds there to drop in Utah! <3.
Best as always - and I pray your super-crazy-smart-vaccine-bio-engineer daughter is doing well. I cannot imagine the stress and pressure. If we can help her or anyone in your family - please just say so.
August 21, 2024
August 19, 2024
August 16, 2024
Our candlelight vigil for work is this Saturday. I typically give the “opening remarks.” Typically I say something about hope, etc. However, this year I’m giving the closing remarks. Our “token of honor” or gift to the families that attend are Seeds of Happiness. I just wanted you to see my closing remarks that I am going to read at our vigil. As I know you know, I will never forget Dawson and always think of you!!
“I’m sure some of you are wondering about the two, bright red, small, balls you have received from us today. Some of you might know of them, some might not. The bright red balls are actually lumps of clay known as “Seeds of Happiness.” Created by a local sculptor in St. Louis, their main purpose is to help put a smile on the face of anyone who needs it.
In June of this year KSDK ran a local “Feel Good” story. While watching it, I discovered it was about a friend of mine. In 2007 Paula and John Ivanowski, lost their young son, Dawson, to a battle with cancer. These “Seeds of Happiness” were created by a local sculptor to help Paula and John put the smile back on their face after Dawson’s death. While Paula and John’s son battled with cancer, their friend, the sculptor, didn’t know what to say to them during this difficult time so he did what he knows best…he sculpted clay. It was that small act of kindness that started “Seeds of Happiness.” He told them: "I know there is nothing I can say or do to make you feel better so I thought I would bring you some smiles to help you get your smile back.”
While the manner Paula and John lost their son is different than the reason we all gather today, the pain and grief we all share is similar… we grieve for a life that is forever changed or a life that is forever lost. We wake up every morning wondering how we will continue through this day and the next. We work hard on creating our new sense of normal in our lives, always wanting or yearning for our old normal back, even if it’s just for brief minutes.
As you can see we gave you two “Seeds of Happiness.” One of the seeds is a gift we are giving to you, to give you a smile when you may need it. The other seed we are giving to you is for you to give it to someone that you know who could use a smile.
We many never know the impact that our tiny seed has on someone’s life, but together we can help others along their path of grief. Please go and spread “Seeds of Happiness” in the world.
After we hear one final song from the Worship Team everyone is invited next door to the church cafe for a small reception. From myself as well as all of our very dedicated volunteers and staff at the Gateway office, thank you for joining us today as we honor victims and survivors.”
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In 2006 Seeds of Happiness started out as leftover lumps of clay that Mark Borella made into little smiles to give to friends who were going through hard times and needed a little smile.
150 Prospect Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 4 pm
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