February 04, 2020
Apologies for such a delay in sharing this with you. The trip to Afghanistan was a success. My experiences on the trip have provided me the opportunity to share the story below with you.
I knew before the trip that the ongoing war has resulted in conditions that have bred hopelessness among many Afghans. This includes Afghanistan being ranked as one of the five most impoverished countries in the world, a continued occupation and destruction of their country by foreign military forces who claim to be there for "peace," and Afghanistan being recognized as the most corrupt country in the world despite politicians who claim to stand for "peace." Because of this, many Afghans think that 'peace' is a "dirty" word. Due to these realities, I wasn't expecting to find many smiles on my visit.
As you remember, I took several "seeds of happiness" with me to Afghanistan to share with the youth in Kabul. I am glad to report that I was able to familiarize the Afghan Peace Volunteers with the "seeds of happiness" story from the website:
Mark Borella, a sculptor, created small smiley faces from left-over lumps of clay. He gave these to his friends whose young son was dying of cancer. He told them: I know there is nothing I can say or do to make you feel better so I thought I would bring you some smiles to help you get your smile back. I call them Seeds of Happiness. (http://www.seedsofhappiness.com/)
After Hakim translated this to the youth, they broke out in smiles while I passed the "seeds of happiness" around the room.
Attached is a photo of myself, Mairead Maguire (Nobel Peace Laureate, '76), and a few of the Afghan Peace Volunteers. As you can see, we are holding our "seeds of happiness." I've included both a full-size and web-optimized version of the picture.
There is also a larger significance to this small transaction that I would like to share with you.
It is a story that is linked by the simple idea of a smile.
Hakim, who is a mentor to the Peace Volunteers, shared with us a story of asking a young boy in a refugee camp to smile for a picture. The boy's grandmother was in the background and upon hearing this, started shouting at Hakim, "Why? Why are you asking Najib to smile? He has no reason to smile."
"He has no reason to smile," she said again as she chased Hakim away.
The grandmother represented a common sentiment among Afghans that after forty plus years of war resulting in over 2 million civilian Afghan deaths, with Afghanistan becoming one of the five most impoverished countries in the world, and with millions of Afghan children under the age of 5 acutely malnourished...that there is no reason to smile.
Saddened by this experience and others (http://ourjourneytosmile.com/blog/2009/02/hello-world/), Hakim decided that for there even to be the chance to talk about peace and nonviolence, they must first take the small but powerful steps of bringing smiles back to the people of Afghanistan. Thus, Hakim and the Peace Volunteers, launched their nonviolent movement in Afghanistan, aptly named "Our Journey to Smile." They also posted their first YouTube video of the same name at this time. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfrMoBqqVmE)
I can testify that the Peace Volunteers have courageously brought smiles to people throughout Afghanistan and throughout the world. During my visit with the Peace Volunteers, I saw countless ways that they are finding to bring smiles to Afghanistan. Here are a few:
* Smiles to each other by living in community and knowing that others love them regardless of their ethnicity and religion
* Smiles to the women by providing a space for women to gather and share stories as they learn sewing skills to make duvets
* Smiles to the poor and marginalized by giving warm duvets to protect those with no heat from the cold winter
* Smiles to the young kids by offering a free education to those who would otherwise be selling items in the streets
* Smiles to the internationals by embracing us with open arms and sharing their tremendous capacity for love and joy with us
While my experience and the suffering I witnessed in Afghanistan oftentimes brings deep sadness, I instinctively smile every time I think of or hear someone say "Afghan Peace Volunteers."
Just as the Peace Volunteers challenge the sadness (deprivation of joy, livelihood, and humanity) with smiles, they also actively protest the war and ethnic violence in Afghanistan through leading nonviolent demonstrations and wearing blue scarves.
The Peace Volunteers have nonviolently marched in the streets with banners proclaiming "enough is enough" and calling for an end to war. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uedQzWck7xc)
The Peace Volunteers, with Mairead Maguire, delivered a ceasefire petition to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon through a UN representative based in Kabul to ask for a UN-brokered ceasefire between all the warring groups in Afghanistan.
At each of these actions, the Peace Volunteers proudly adorn their blue scarves -- a universal symbol calling for peace and justice that was started in Afghanistan. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgbFTBJb3xY and http://thebluescarf.org/index.html)
Just as a smile is universal, the blue scarf is a symbol representing the expansive blue sky that connects all people across the world.
I've sent a blue scarf (from Kabul) in the mail for you to share with the Seeds of Happiness team and so that you can have a reminder of the Afghan Peace Volunteers as we all continue our work to bring smiles to those in need in every corner of the world.
Blessings of peace, love, and smiles,
August 21, 2024
August 19, 2024
August 16, 2024
Our candlelight vigil for work is this Saturday. I typically give the “opening remarks.” Typically I say something about hope, etc. However, this year I’m giving the closing remarks. Our “token of honor” or gift to the families that attend are Seeds of Happiness. I just wanted you to see my closing remarks that I am going to read at our vigil. As I know you know, I will never forget Dawson and always think of you!!
“I’m sure some of you are wondering about the two, bright red, small, balls you have received from us today. Some of you might know of them, some might not. The bright red balls are actually lumps of clay known as “Seeds of Happiness.” Created by a local sculptor in St. Louis, their main purpose is to help put a smile on the face of anyone who needs it.
In June of this year KSDK ran a local “Feel Good” story. While watching it, I discovered it was about a friend of mine. In 2007 Paula and John Ivanowski, lost their young son, Dawson, to a battle with cancer. These “Seeds of Happiness” were created by a local sculptor to help Paula and John put the smile back on their face after Dawson’s death. While Paula and John’s son battled with cancer, their friend, the sculptor, didn’t know what to say to them during this difficult time so he did what he knows best…he sculpted clay. It was that small act of kindness that started “Seeds of Happiness.” He told them: "I know there is nothing I can say or do to make you feel better so I thought I would bring you some smiles to help you get your smile back.”
While the manner Paula and John lost their son is different than the reason we all gather today, the pain and grief we all share is similar… we grieve for a life that is forever changed or a life that is forever lost. We wake up every morning wondering how we will continue through this day and the next. We work hard on creating our new sense of normal in our lives, always wanting or yearning for our old normal back, even if it’s just for brief minutes.
As you can see we gave you two “Seeds of Happiness.” One of the seeds is a gift we are giving to you, to give you a smile when you may need it. The other seed we are giving to you is for you to give it to someone that you know who could use a smile.
We many never know the impact that our tiny seed has on someone’s life, but together we can help others along their path of grief. Please go and spread “Seeds of Happiness” in the world.
After we hear one final song from the Worship Team everyone is invited next door to the church cafe for a small reception. From myself as well as all of our very dedicated volunteers and staff at the Gateway office, thank you for joining us today as we honor victims and survivors.”
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In 2006 Seeds of Happiness started out as leftover lumps of clay that Mark Borella made into little smiles to give to friends who were going through hard times and needed a little smile.
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Kirkwood, MO 63122
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 4 pm
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